Introduction to Family Ministry
The church is a place for kids to be known by someone and belong somewhere.

What is orange?

Orange is a strategy to combine the two most critical influences on a child’s faith development – the home and the church.

We believe these two combined influences are greater when working together to leads kids toward Jesus.

Why small groups?

We are confident that the best way to help a child develop a lasting faith is through healthy relationships with peers and leaders. In small groups, kids are important to a consistent leader who models what it looks like to follow Jesus. The reality is that we will have more potential in the lives of a few than we will in the lives of many.

When we lead small, we simply make the choice to invest strategically in the lives of a few over time to help them build an authentic faith.

Infant, Toddler, and Preschool

We create environments for kids to meet Jesus by building relationships with leaders that model an authentic faith relationship with God. We partner with parents to give kids their very first look at their Heavenly Father because a child is never too young to experience God’s love.

K-5th Grade

Our priority is to provide intentional community for kids by giving them a consistent small group leader. Small group time is geared to walk through the ideas presented in Large Group so kids see how the bible applies to their lives. It’s our desire to help kids discover who God is and who He made them to be by giving them a place to belong and grow in faith.