Ministry & Protocol
A Day in Preschool Ministry
When kids grow up believing they are made by God, they will grow up wanting to know the God who made them.
Preschool ministry exists to give children their first look at their Heavenly Father. Our hope is that by the tie a child moves into Kindergarten, they would understand three basic truths: God made me, God loves me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Every element of our preschool program points to these three truths that build a spiritual foundation through age appropriate activities.

By the time a child enters kindergarten, we want them to know three basic truths:

  1. God made me.
  2. God loves me.
  3. Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Getting Ready

  • Report to Kids town for our Team Huddle 30 minutes before service starts.
  • Everything you need will be prepared ahead of time and in your room on the counter.
  • Take a moment to pray with your co-leaders before you start check-in.
  • Get the Make It Fun activities ready before kids arrive.


  • Greet kids with a smile and by name.
  • Follow our Check-In Process.
  • Invite kids into the class by giving them something to do or find them a buddy to help them feel more comfortable.

Make It Fun

We want preschoolers to know that church isn’t boring!  That’s why a portion of the morning has Make It Fun activities. These activities are designed to introduce kids to the Bible story in a fun and engaging way and help kids start thinking about the Bible story, and helps their minds engage in Large Group.

Large Group

Large Group exists to introduce kids to worshiping God through songs and the Bible. Our Large Group leaders teach kids songs that reflect the bottom line of the month and then they share a short video designed to help preschoolers engage with the Bible story. Here are some things to know for Large Group:

  • Large Group is in Room 104 and begins 20 minutes after the service starts.
  • Take your Attendance Roster to Large Group with you in case any child arrives during Large Group.
  • After Large Group ends, return to your room and take a count to ensure that everyone is present and late arrivals were added.

Snack / Make It Real

Make It Real happens during snack time right after Large Group. This is an opportunity to help preschoolers to apply the Bible story to their own lives. We want preschoolers to begin grasping the idea that when we read the Bible, God uses it to change the way we live. We pray with our preschoolers during this time and help them find radical ways to live out their faith.

Steps for Serving Snacks

  • ‍Please use plastic gloves when serving snack.
  • To avoid allergy concerns, serve only the snack provided unless a child has a pre-approved snack brought from home.
  • Snacks are in the cupboards in Rooms 101, 104, 106 and 107
  • Rooms 101 – 104 have filtered drinking faucets to use to fill up their drinking cups. Rooms 106 & 107 have gallon-sized bottles of water to fill up their drinking cups.
  • As children finish their snacks, have the throw away their trash.

Make It Stick

Repetition is essential to helping preschoolers retain what they’ve learned, and Make It stick reinforces the bottom line of the Bible story. Kids will create crafts and/or play games that remind them of the Bible story and repeat the bottom line until it “sticks” with them as they go home.


Give parents positive praise about their child and cue them with something their child learned or did in class.

For parents who want to talk longer or ask detailed questions, invite them to stay until pick-up is finished and chat with you after class. Otherwise all parents have to wait for the discussion to end?

Clean Up

Please help ready the room for the next service by tidying up and disinfecting tables and toys.