Five Tips for SUCCESS as You Lead Small
Love is always louder. No matter what. Even if hate has a bullhorn, love is louder.

1. Be Present

Arrive on time and come prepared mentally and physically, and ready to engage.

Give positive feedback – praise and affirmation go a long way so be generous with kind words that build up your few.

Always remember your few are not a problem to be solved, they are a people to be loved.

2. Create a Safe Place

Make a child your special helper. Give them a task, like passing out papers, holding the Bible, or serving snack. Also, provide kids with several specific warnings before switching tasks so their brains can absorb the expectations before it happens.

3. Partner With Parents

Smile! Look approachable by making eye contact with the child and parent so you can build trust.

4. Make It Personal

Pray! Be sure to take time to point kids to God through prayer. Go to Him for help, to say thank you, or to pray for each other.

Give positive feedback to kids and parents, be generous with kind word that build up your few

5. Move Them Out

Teach them to be the church. Help them learn to think of how others feel and help them find joy in sharing.