Five Ways to WIN by Leading Small

1. Be Present

Everybody needs someone who knows their name, and what’s happening in their life.

What This Means:

Show up predictably, mentally and randomly

How to Do This:

Come prepared when you serve, give eye contact, send postcards

2. Create A Safe Place

How you handle conflict, hard questions, and tension give you an opportunity to demonstrate that your group is a safe place.

What This Means:

Lead the group, respect the process, guard the heart

How to Do This:

Embrace the tension that kids are at different places, honor confidentiality, seek help when someone is being hurt

3. Partner With Parents

If you’re not on the parent’s side, you’re not on the kid’s side.

What This Means:

Cue the parent, honor the parent, reinforce the family

How to Do This:

Get to know the parents, give them something to take home with them

4. Make It Personal

The most important person you lead is not your few – it’s you.

What This Means:

Live in community, set priorities, be real

How to Do This:

Join a community group, take Sundays off, be honest (and age appropriate) about your life

5. Move Them Out

A child will never feel significant until you give until you give them something significant to do.

What This Means:

Move them to someone else, move them to be the church, move them to what’s next

How to Do This:

Allow them to lead and serve your group, prepare them for their next age / grade promotion and a new leader, consider life transitions